K-12 Professional Development

Personalized, Differentiated and Prescriptive

For K-12 teachers and administrators, EI offers a powerful online professional development platform. It provides all of the components that improve educator effectiveness:

  • On demand access to professional development
  • Video of exceptional teachers in action
  • Top educational experts providing research based instructional strategies and tips (view list of experts)
  • Blended learning opportunities for teachers and administrators
    • Plug and play programs covering a huge range of topics
    • Prescriptive online courses designed to improve specific skills from your teacher evaluation framework
  • Customizable content for your next in-service day or PLC meeting

Tour our Learning Platform

Tour our Learning Platform

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Self-Directed Professional Inquiry…what does it look like?

WATCH: Select any video and let our experts and educators model best practices. Watch and learn at your own pace on topics that are important to YOU.
Reflect & Discuss
REFLECT and DISCUSS: As you watch, gather new strategies. Think about what would work for you and share thoughts with colleagues.   
APPLY: Create a plan to implement new strategies and do it!  
SELF-ASSESS: After implementation, ask yourself: "Did the new strategy make a difference? What changed? What will I do differently next time? What else do I want to learn? 
Video Previews
Video Previews

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Massive Program Library
Massive Program Library

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Interactive Course Assignments
Interactive Course Assignments

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